The space for you.

An accessible self-help platform. Welcome to Aluve.

To change and evolve your life, you must first learn how to connect within and only then your external world will begin to shift.

The methods our self-help platform provides are here to support and guide you in every area of your life; internal struggles, relationships, work life, health and overall wellbeing. It is through these practices that you will reconnect, realign and live authentically.

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Transformative Meditations
Deep meditations designed to rewire your subconscious mind and change your life.
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Guest speaking offerings for companies who prioritise wellbeing in the workplace.
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Meditations that make an impact.

More than just your average meditation. A blend of hypnosis and other subconscious rewiring processes made to impact your life.

On the journal...

The importance of grounding yourself

Amongst the chaos that life can be, it is easy to be in your head - overthinking, analysing and operating in a state of constant stress. It can be easy to become disconnected and ungrounded.  

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Let's get to know each other.

In the beginning of our relationship, my partner and I would ask each other thought provoking questions. We wanted to get beneath the surface and know more about each other. We still use questions to this day to explore what is going on in each other's minds. 

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Welcome to Aluve.

Hello you beautiful soul, firstly, thank you for being here and welcome to Aluve! I would love to introduce myself - I am Alisha Kelly and Aluve is a self-help platform I have built centred around connection and a place to create space for you. 

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Aluve's social media is a place to connect. Join us @aluve