about me
Founders note
Firstly, thank you for being here and being a part of the Aluve community.
It is so lovely to connect with you. My name is Alisha Kelly and I am the founder of Aluve.
This note is a personal gratitude to you and a bit of a background to me and how Aluve came about...
Is always difficult because I feel life was a compilation of so many different challenges and struggles (along with constant evolution) that have led me to this very moment.
Basically - broken, stuck, traumatised and never being enough was how I felt for many years.
Life felt hard and there were memorable moments where all I could think about was escaping and I was unsure if I would make it through.
The only way I knew how to survive was to suppress the trauma and bottle everything up inside of me. I remember feelings became non-existent, all I felt was numb.
Honestly, this would’ve come as a shock to many people as I always had ‘the happy, outgoing girl’ facade, yet on the inside I was crumbling and my mental health was struggling severely, yet I didn’t want anyone to know.

From the mainstream, to the most spiritual - I tried them all. In the midst of this, curveballs kept coming my way, but each and every time, my ‘tool kit’ was getting bigger and bigger.
Everytime a curveball came my way, I was able to practise all of the learnings I had and make it through easier than the time before. I now knew how to process trauma and challenges, feel the emotions, connect within myself and honour exactly what I needed to make it through.

Of being immersed in and experiencing the power of this work first-hand, I felt this overwhelming calling to help others who are or have been struggling too.
A strong inner knowing that every experience I have encountered and all that I have learnt along the way, would now bring me to helping others with these life changing techniques too.
I am now qualified in a range of different therapies, but more so than this - it is my lived experiences and the ability to breakthrough that has enabled me to help thousands of people.

Each and every practice and technique that Aluve offers are something that I still use myself personally on a daily basis. They have not only helped me in my personal struggles but with my relationships, success, health and complete happiness too.
It is my wish that each and every one of you can experience the life changing effect these practices will be able to have on your life. They have moved me through the most difficult times in my life, brought me joy and happiness and I know they will be able to help you too.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and a part of Aluve’s community.
You are so valued and loved.