The accessible self-help platform

Above all, Aluve values
authenticity, trust, love
and supporting your growth.

Aluve believes; to acknowledge how you feel, is to make space for things to shift.

Here to guide you through your life journey using a range of methods suited to all areas including; internal struggles, relationships, work life, health and overall wellbeing. These methods will teach you how to connect within to move through any limitations or blocks so your life continues to evolve.

The name Aluve
Of African origin, meaning ‘to feel’
Have you ever experienced challenges or felt like you haven’t been able to live the life you desire? Then Aluve is the accessible self-help platform, designed just for you.
The services that support you
Intimate one-on-one sessions, guest speaker offerings and specialised products such as curated meditations. Each and every service Aluve provides has been carefully designed to create powerful and lasting change in your life.

Aluve incorporates a range of methods including practices from

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Helping you to access your subconscious mind (where the change really happens). Exploring the connection between your conscious and subconscious mind, to free you from your limiting beliefs and truly alter your life. 

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

A somatic healing approach also known as psychological acupressure. Designed to help you get to the root cause of your issues, to free yourself from challenges in your life whether they are mental, physical or emotional.

Inner Child Work

A powerful and intuitive therapy that helps you to heal trauma, behaviours and patterns that are no longer serving you. This approach is profound and will be the ideal way to support your unique and important needs.

by Alisha Kelly

An individual inspired to support people along their journey and to make an impact on their lives for the better.

Alisha founded Aluve for the very reason that this platform is exactly something she had needed throughout her own life journey.

From growing up and struggling with her mental health, to diving head first into the self-help world Alisha learnt the profound impact these modalities can have on your life. She was then trained in a range of techniques including NLP, EFT and Professional Coaching. She found what worked best to make the greatest change in your life and that is how Aluve was born.


⭘ Evidence Based EFT Practitioner
⭘ NLP Coach Practitioner
⭘ Professional Coach ICF - ACTP
⭘ Certificate IV Life Coaching 10864NAT
⭘ RYT 200 (Registered Yoga and Meditation Teacher)
⭘ Nominated for Gold Coast Australian of the Year 2022

Aluve values...

Aluve is all about creating the Space For YOU, to evolve and make change in your life.
Understanding and helping you to connect within, so that you can live authentically.
Being Human
Aluve is here to support you along your journey, every step of the way.