Calm Meditation Bundle
Calm Meditation Bundle

Calm Meditation Bundle

Regular price$45.00
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Powerful for Anxiety & Stress Release’

This CALM Guided Meditation Bundle is to support you if you struggle with:

  • Anxiety, Anxious Thoughts, Panic Attacks
  • Stress or Overwhelm about different things in life
  • Getting stressed easily and allowing things to pile up
  • Needing to be grounded and re-focus in life 

Please note, these meditations are deep and transformative. They include elements of hypnosis and are designed to target your subconscious mind (where the change really happens). 

This bundle is made up of 3 different meditations, all unique in their own way and target different aspects of Anxiety and Stress in life. They aren’t just shorter versions of the same meditation, they are all designed to be totally different. Each one will take you on an individual journey. The bundle includes:

1x 5 minute meditation

1x 10 minute meditation

1x 15 minute meditation

The reason for this is you may either want to work yourself up to doing the 15 minute meditation or alternatively you may just choose to use a different length meditation depending on your timing for that day. 

How to use

Once you have purchased the bundle you will be able to download the meditations instantly. You will also receive an email to your inbox with a link to download them. 

For best use and to be able to see the meditation artwork whilst it is playing, download the meditations on your computer then pop them into iTunes. You can then sync them to your phone from here.

We recommend that you use any meditation from the bundle daily for the first 21 days to get the best result. Repetition is powerful. Either first thing in the morning or right before you go to sleep is the most preferred, however, whenever in your day you can fit them is amazing! 

Do not listen to them whilst driving or doing anything that requires your focus.

Choose a safe and calming place to listen to the meditation.

Make sure you are in a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. 

Surrender to the process. It is okay if thoughts come in during the process, just observe them and let them pass. 

Enjoy & reach out to let us know how your internal and external world have changed! 

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Re-centre and connect with yourself
These meditations are deep and transformative. They include elements of hypnosis and are designed to target your subconscious mind (where the change really happens).

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Anxiety GONE

I absolutely love the calm mediation. When ever I feel anxious I use the guided mediations and immediately see results. I have found if I'm consistent with this practice of meditation my anxiety is decreased on a daily/weekly basis.

Incredible & soothed my anxiety

These are incredible. I use the 5 minute one everyday and the 10 minute one 1-2 times per week. I have gained so much from these and don't experience anxiety anymore

Great for stress!

I haven't meditated much before but these calm meditations have changed my state. I am less stressed and do these every morning and enter the day feeling so calm and relaxed

Lily Moore
The best for my social anxiety

I am a really anxiety prone person. I overthink before going out and have not found something that has been able to help me, up until trying these meditations. I do calm every time I have a social event and I can't believe how relaxed it has made me. I feel so confident socialising now and my overthinking has pretty much stopped. Honestly these have changed my life.

Sarah R
Was overthinking 24/7 but finally have a calm mind

I am the biggest overthinker EVER and have been for years. I meditate here and there but doing this CALM bundle has been a game changer! My mind feels sooo much calmer and I feel more at peace within myself

create lasting change

More than just a meditation.

Deep, transformative hypnosis tracks to reprogram your mind. If you've been wanting to try our one-on-one sessions, these meditations are a great introduction to the powerful processes we use.


Do you experience blocks in certain areas? Reprogram your subconscious with expansive beliefs


Are you struggling creating change in your life? Rewire your mind with these daily meditations.


Do you feel stuck or like you're holding onto things that no longer serve you? These meditations will be your ultimate release.